Arte y Cultura Gpo 4
jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010
Luis Alfonso Vega 1222401-Guanajuto 2010 :)

oscar rogelio limon camacho
esta imagen se encuentra en el hospicio cabañas su estructura es barroca por eso me gusto aparte las pinturas estan hechas a mano y muy bien diseñadas por eso me parece que es la mejor de mis fotos
lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010
Clavijero's Palace
Juan Pablo Gómez A01222488
In the image you can see that the cupula has an emphasis, and there is a great difference between the colors in the photo, the palace colors and the sky's colors.
In this paint it represents how the painter thought the independence was developed, and the importance that had Hidalgo in the independence it si reflected, when he did the "Grito de Dolores", and the colors that the painter used, I think that it is very clear that he used only warm colors.
This is a picture that I took when I was in Barcelona, I was walking in the streets of Barcelona when I arrive to this park close to Catalunya's Square, then I realize that what I was seeing was a great perspective as you can see too.
In this picture there is one of the terracota's soldiers and I saw it in the Palacio Clavijero in Morelia, and these soldiers are famous since one emperor of China order to built them, because they was afraid and he want to be protected by these soldiers. These soldiers are great, beacause they had a great relief and a lot of details.
cesar chavero 1222098
this paint is called "La pintura Monumental" it was painted by Orozco it represents the governor of its time because Orozco thought that the governor was an idiot and it is represented with the statue that it is like a goat it was painted in the XIX century
Cesar Chavero Flores 1222098
this kind of paint is called "fresco" its name is the dante's inferno it is found in the hospicio cabañas that pain was painted by Orozco the paint represent to the three mexican painters of the age and the man who is burning is Orozco and he's walking on the other painters
this building's name is "teatro degollado" it was built in the XX century by the arquitect Degollado it has a simili with a greek temple in its roof has monuments that represents theater artists it has 13 columns
this building is called "hospicio cabañas" it was an hospice in the XIX century when its leader was Juan Cruz Ruiz, it was built in the XIX century by the arquitect Manuel Tolsa this building has a lot of rooms it is belong to the neoclassicism
dante's inferno
this kind of paint is called "fresco" its name is the dante's inferno it is found in the hospicio cabañas that pain was painted by Orozco the paint represent to the three mexican painters of the age and the man who is burning is Orozco and he's walking on the other painters
Hilario David Ávila Ornelas A01222049
This sculpture is located outside of the Basilica de la Señora de la Salud in Pátzcuaro. The theme of the sculpture is religious it shows a person with a book that can be the bible, the dress of this person is simple but seems that he belong to the church, next to him is a lion. The sculpture belongs to the Neoclassicism in this style the artist tried to revive the ideals of ancient Greek and Roman art.
This is a part of mural that is located in the museum of the state of Morelia. This picture show the fight for the freedom of Mexicans, some elements of this painting are the intensity because the artist used different colors to create high and low intensities, another element is space because the artist used big figures to create a o create a feeling of spaciousness. One principle is asymmetrical.
This are some crafts that show variety because combine different to create a strange figure, another principle is harmony because when the artist mixes these figures accent their similarities. One element of this work of art is value in color.
This is part of a building in Morelia which is a baroque style, most of the buildings in the city maintain this style, and in this architecture can be seen form, one principle of this figures is symmetry.
This painting is located in Museum of Contemporary Art Alfredo Zalce. This painting shows how many people over the years fought for the freedom of all Mexicans, as they faced great challenges but in the end they achieved what they set out. Some elements of this painting are color intensity and space; the principles of this work of art are variety, harmony, asymmetrical and emphasis.
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