viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

5 Photos- Ma. Elena Rojas.

 This is a picture of a painting that is in the gouverment palace in Guadalajara. It is a huge mural that kind of explain us Mexico's Independence. this painting was made by Jose Clemente Orozco. I like it because it has a lot of movement and it express what the people on that time was felling.
 This sculpture is placed in the "exconvento del carmen" It is made of steal. I like it because it like a modern art but it represent somethings. I seems like a man but it is kind of deformed.
 This if one of the hollways in side the gouverment palace, it has a lof of light because the candelabrum is allways on. It has a lot of little details in all the parts of the room, for example in the carpet or in the widow. I like this building because of all the mexican history that happen in that place.

It has a lot of rhythm and valance, harmony and emphasis in the door. It also have secondary colors. All of these principles came together trying to explains what religion is trying to tell us, for example al the saints that are painted or sculpted. 

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