miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

PHOTOS AND ANALYSIS OF Mariana Benitez 1222801

Lago de Chapala
This picture reflect or represents peace, tranquility, love, etc.
I choose it because is a picture that if you saw it, you relax or you want to go to Chapala, to relax or to have a nice day
So this picture is a really nice picture, it was taken by me in the perfect moment the sunset, on November, 2010

Puerto Vallarta
This picture represents a very nice place, and it was a perfect moment to take the picture the ending of the sunset.
The volley-ball red make a very different meaning, like freedom, party, friends, etc. Not only love, relax and the ovious things.
So that's why I choose it because it has very different to the original photos, also this picture was taken by me, on July, 09

 La Piedad
This sculpture was taken on The Vatican in Rome. 
I choose it because it represents the love of a mother to her son, even thougth his child is dead; you can see of her face the love she want to transmit to him.
It's a really nice sculpture because it has a meaning really strong, and is too sad to know and to see that Mary looses Jesus, so that's what the sculptor try to represent.
This Photo was taken by me, on December, 08

This picture represents a multicultural place because in Jerusalem there are 3 religions in one place; so that's the interesting.
Also you can see the awesome and perfect construction of the Mesquita of the Arabic persons.
in the Mesquita all the Arabic persons go there and pray to their God.
So this picture creates and reflects the multicultar things that can be in one place.
This photo was taken by me on January, 09

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