jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

I have uploaded 1, here are the rest 4 photos =))


It is a complete photo of the expiatorio.. It shows us all the perfect architecture it has, and it is just beautiful, I like it because I thing is the best photo someone had taken of it =)). It make me feel proud of Guadalajara, and so I can feel many things about my culture, also I feel like I don´t need to go to other countries to find wonderful places and things.


It is inside  the expiatrio. I take that picture ´cause I really apreciate the work of the people. The people working is a scene that make the people become familiar with that, also I thing the flower and the womans make a romantic scene. It is just perfect!!,,... with that picture I don´t need anything else.


I love that, ´cause it is so funny, it is a fountain that spays water. The child is like an innocent boy that only want to have some fun an make some antics, but it is standing in a rigid way, he don´t have any movement. Cut despite that I can say many things about the child, he has much personality, thats why I named this sculpture as THE GUY.


This is the "WHAT?",, ´cause no one knows the meaning of this. I like them ´cause they are strange, but I don´t know why they are there. There are like funny sculptures, but with a sense of  comfort and literature and also ART ,but we already know that. There are so many meanings in those things, and yet they mean nothing  and make me feel like what?, that is the reason of why I chose this name.

Mariana Valencia A01222625

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