miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

fotos de Omar Lopez Lamadrid A01017543


The “Iglesia de Fatima” is one of the most beautiful examples of religious architecture in the city of Zacatecas. The Temple Of Fatima has a gothic style and the orange-pink “cantera” complements the fine art of the artists of Zacatecas.  The main entrance has pointed arches that are one of the gothic art characteristics and also this temple has a lot of rhythm and harmony, The building is crowned by a slender central tower, flanked by two towers and some pinnacles.
It has beautiful and colorful stained glass windows depicting religious scenes and passages.


The representation of death through the skulls is common in the Christian religion and in the Pre-Hispanic religion, in the Christian religion representation means life. In the pre-Hispanic symbolizes the underworld and sacrificial death. The character of death is included in many dances from different regions and different times or dates. All the masks are symmetrical with different proportion and emphasis.


The “Convento de nuestra señora de Guadalupe”, located in a sanctuary built in 1677, where the Franciscan Order established an Apostolic College of Propaganda Fide in 1707, baroque facade, with a tower that resembles a mosque minaret, and a cutting bell “churrigueresco”. The interior is made up of several chapels, among which include: “Santuario de nuestra señora de Guadalupe”, with neoclassical decoration. 


It has a baroque style that represents religion. The Convent of San Francisco, begun in 1567 was the first in the province of Zacatecas. It was built, together with its Temple, in a very short time. In December, 1647, the temple burned down and was immediately rebuilt, being completed in March, 1648. As did all regiligous orders, the Franciscans had to leave their convent during the Reforma.

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