sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010

Carlos Andrés Pérez Sánchez a01222194

This is a picture of an artist working on his art work. It was took in Guadalajara at a exposition in the Plaza de Armas, on it you can appreciate the dedication and patience that requires the art work; on it we can see balance, variety, harmony, primary and secondary colors, and many things that are not done yet. This is one of the last bochitos that are in a good condition, It was donated by a particular to made with it an art word.
Carlos Andrés Pérez Sánchez a01222194
This salon of old art is located at the palace of Government in the center of Guadalajara in front of the Plaza de Armas. In this salon we can appreciate some of the most beautiful works of art of the XVIII century; This place was used to receive the most important persons of Mexico to made deals and diplomatic things, almost all the things are imported, but the candelabras are one of the most beautifully creations of the estate of Jalisco. Here we can appreciate the different relieves and forms from a European style mixed with a local style.
Carlos Andrés Pérez Sánchez a01222194

This is one of the most beautiful architectural pieces of art of Guadalajara; it is located in the top of a Little church beside the Cathedral. On it we can observe many images of saints in the windows, a lot of forms; High and low relieves all over the church. When you see it you can imagine you are floating in the sky and you can touch the heaven. The church is related of the XVI century.
Carlos Andrés Pérez Sánchez a01222194

This is one of the most representative sculpture works of art in Guadalajara, because we can see Guillermo Prieto saving the life of Juarez when he was just a seconds to be killed the 14 of March of 1858; we can appreciate the detailed expressions and clothes they are wearing; I love this sculpture because each time I see it I remember that all of us are human beings and we deserve the same opportunities so you may help other when they needed.
Carlos Andrés Pérez Sánchez a01222194
The Cathedral of Guadalajara that is Located at the center of Guadalajara is the most representative building of Guadalajara, because of the history beside the Cathedral people love to go visit, and appreciate it. We can see the wonderful architectural work for the century in which it was made. We can appreciate the relieves and the small windows beauty but It doesn’t end here inside the Cathedral there are a wonderful collection of art and History, that’s why I love the cathedral.
Carlos Andrés Pérez Sánchez a01222194

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