miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

María de Lourdes Valenzuela Valencia A01222078

This picture shows a big piece of marble, that is carved with a hammer and zincel. It is Symmetrical, it has form and harmony because is combining elements in the art work by similarities. The sculpture has the same color in all their material.  María de Lourdes Valenzuela Valencia A01222078

This is the "Teatro Degallado" it is located in Guadalajara, is made by marble and stone. The building is symmetrical, it has proportion, space. I also can see a little axis in the half of the building. The columns make that the teather looks more big and tall.  

Oh I love this picture; it is a craft of Guadalajara is handmade by the huicholes or the people of San Juan de Dios. The picture shows variety of colors, proportion in the size of the sandals, harmony and texture in the design of the sandals. The price is very accessible and it are very comfortable.

This monument also is located in Guadalajara, it is made by marble and stone, was constructed like 60 year ago, it is a circle, is symmetrical in the sculpture but in the picture is not. This picture shows space, form, proportion, emphasis in the sculpture. The green color in the grass makes that the sculpture or building looks more big and clean. I like this construction.

The Cathedral of Guadalajara was constructed in 1541, it was made by adobe and straw. It has undergone by many renovations because of the temors and earthquakes. The picture shows variety in the elements carved in the marble,  has space, shape, form, proportion. It does not have any type of movement, the pilasters make a visual effect in wich the Cathedral looks more big and tall.    María de Lourdes Valenzuela Valencia A01222078

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