domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010


I don't know if this blog is supposed to be about an specific theme, but here I go... These are my pictures, all of them were taken by me. 

Except this one, Lari took it. 
This picture has... texture (: It looks soft, you cannot deny it.
Its color is black and it has different intensities and values.
It also has emphasis.

Its main point of interest is the eye, obviously. 
So it'd be emphasis and color with different values and varying intensities.

Variety, line, space. 
Well, I'm not sure about the variety part.

Aaah... I love this one. 
Line, emphasis, movement, rythm, everything!
Let me tell you a little about this picture...
It was taken at the German Bundestag (German Parliament), 
during the month of May, 2010.
It was almost an accident.

Line, space...
Maybe balance. 
This is not a pretty place.

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