miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

Ana Carolina García Valenzuela A01222745 GUANAJUATO

The first picture I took was in San Miguel de Allende ,Guanajuato and is a man asking for food or money , I took it because I want to show that like there's a lot of beauty in that town there's also poor people .

This church is known as "Parroquia
de San Miguel Arcangel". This church has  Gothic style.It was built on XVI century and finished in XIX between the 1800's and there's and sculpture outside the church.

 This two pictures are very cultural because they show the traditions of Guanajuato , In the first one we see a lady selling her stuff and the second one is art called "kiquri" that is similar to the things the lady was selling , because it uses the same brilliant colors and almost all the natives in mexico do this artesanias.
This is the teatro Juarez 
was founded in 1872. It has high relieve and has silver in some endings , in the top they are 8 scultpures and this teathre is very important because is in the center of Guanajuato and is a very old place and it was very visited because in the left theres a church so the catolic people that go to the "misas" go to the shows in the teatre also.

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