jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Five Photos - Adriana García

 This is "el Templo de la Purísima Concepción" located in Guanajuato built in between 2003-2006. In its interior has like a barroque style. In the outer parts, has a neoclassical style with a little baroque. This temple doesn´t have a big variety of colors, but it emphasyse the unique color with details like red or dark grey. It has a lot of symetry in the locatiion of the doors and windows.

This is the "Parroquia de San Miguel de Allende" located in the Historic Center of San Miguel de Allende. It was constructed in the XVII century. It makes a lot of emphasys in the principal door with the multiple arches that it has. In the right and left sides, had some columns, but what had a great value, was the door. It has a lot of "outer levels" which it´s similar to a castle. It makes an emphasys in the windows with symetry.

This panting attracted me a lot because of the form in which is made and the frame it has. It is called "Bajo el Mar" painted by Rocio Borobia. Marmolated painting, painted in the 2000. It makes a great emphasys in the blue which gives it a vale in the colors. The frame may have a symetry, but the painting not at all. I think it has space and form because of the similarity to the ocean and the forms of the two human bodies, which are really a mermeaid.
This painting is called "Virgen de Apocalipsis" which was painted by Miguel Vallejo, oleo and canvas. t was painted in the XVIII century. I think it represents a lot of peace and purity because of the angels and their faces of freedom and the ones that are in the sides show a lot of respect to the one that is located in the center, it might represent the Apocalypsis  because of the weird animals that are located in the inferior corner. the colors have a great value, and makes emphasys in the center angel. It uses primary colorsprincipally.

This painting was made in a wall. Which may make it a "mural". It impacted me a lot when I saw it because of the enormous space it took, it was a whole wall. It has an incredible mixture of colors, starting with the primary ones, which have a great vale and emphasys, to the terceary ones, lke the purple. It may take some of the impresionissm because of the use of the brush.

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