sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010

Zacatecas Church Monaster
This is a baroque architecture, it is in Guadalupe, Zacatecas. What I like about this Church is the style of the saints. They have a High relief, and they represents Catholic saints. The style of the church is baroque.
Eduardo Villaseñor A01222621

The Eden Mine
This picture was taken on one of the famous mines in México, The Eden Mine. This picture isn't clear, but I like the way it is; because it shows the inside of the mine. It shows two how impressive it is, and it was because today is  just a museum.
Eduardo Villaseñor A01222621      

El Cerro de la Bufa
This amazing sculpture is on The Bufa Hill, in Zacatecas. This sculpture is of Iron, and it is the General Pancho                  Villa. The movement of the horse tell us that he died fighting. What I like about this sculpture is the horse, because I think is really nice.   
Eduardo Villaseñor A01222621                                                                                                                                       

This picture was taken in The Monaster of Guadalupe too. This image of christ show us all the sadness that he had before he died; it shows Jesus Christ on the cross. I considered a catholic picture because it was taken in a Catholic place.
Eduardo Villaseñor A01222621

This painting is in The Monaster of Guadalupe. This picture had cool colors, and secondary colors. It has a little of movement, and it is asymmetrical. I like this paint because it shows a lot of sadness, you can watch this in the sad face of the women of  the left. It has emphasis in the middle of the paint were the boy is going to be punished.
Eduardo Villaseñor A01222621

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