sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010

Pictures: César Alexis Campos Rico A01222494

"Zacatecas Cathedral"

The church Zacatecas Cathedral is the main temple of the Diocese of Zacatecas. This church is an architectural gem of the Mexican culture. Elegant and highly decorated, as a sample of lace carved in stone. Its main facade is an outstanding example of Baroque art in Mexico and in the world. The principal element of the temple is the Baroque style. Its decoration is the exaggeration of beautiful details, especially on the main facade, which makes it unique and beautiful. With two side covers: First, to the north, dedicated to Lord of the parish, and the second, the south portal, dedicated to Our Lady of Zacatecas.

"Mural: Visión de un Mundo Místico"

This contemporary piece of art wixarika (Huichol) relates, through nuclei that are interconnected, the mystery of the Three Holy Spirits: Takutsi (Our Grandmother) Tatewari (Our Grandfather Fire) and Tatutsi (Our Grandfather Tail Deer) that form part of the worldview of the culture Wixarika. It is composed of 80 frames of 30 x 30 cm. The "reading" of the mural can not be neither linear nor progressive, but it may be easier for those unfamiliar, the try starting from the bottom up and from left to right.
Technique: Chaquira attached Campeche wax on plywood boards. Are calculated over 2 million pieces of beads used by the artist and his 7 employees.

"Calderón Theatre"

Theatre history is marked by fate, as if it were a great drama, whose first act, set in 1855, is leading a fierce fire scene that turns into ashes home facilities Zacatecas Art. Burning theater facilities are reopened and are named after the playwright Fernando Calderon, May 16, 1897. Then in 1902, is projected in this room the first cinema film. The curtain falls.
Everything is optimism, drive, desire to "make nice" a bastion of culture of Zacatecas, then we recover its exquisite decor (perfect blend of simplicity and elegance), are restored arches in its facade and restored its air classic

"Revolutionary Weapons"

The weapons took an important place during the Mexican Revolution War, and Zacatecas was one of the most important scenarios of this war where were conducted many revolutionary fights like "Toma de Zacatecas". And today these weapons are saved as memories of those brave warriors

"Silver of Zacatecas"

 Zacatecas main industry is mining, especially silver mining. The state's mineral wealth was discovered soon after the conquest, and some of the mines (and the most famous in Mexico) dating from 1546. The most productive silver mines Alvarado. Only in this mine were drawn more than 800 million dollars during 1548 and 1867, according to records that have been preserved. Today, Mexico is the largest producer of silver in the world.

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